So. I think it's time for a post that is not so silly. Although, I love being absolutely crazy, I think that this is necessary. I need to open up a bit, even if you- whoever you are- could care less about who I am. Let's call this: Getting to Know the Author.
It may seem vain and frankly, even a little stupid. But look at it like this: people generally like to know about other people. Let's face it- we are all a bit curious. We want to know what other people think, do, like, dislike, etc. Once we know get to know each other a bit, we realize we have some similarities: each person has a characteristic that you or I can to relate to, and we like relating to each other. It makes us feel connected. We're not alone.
That's what I'm going to do! I'll outline a picture of who I am for you. I saw that a bunch of other bloggers did this, so I thought, what the heck! Why not? Give me a shout out if you connect with me on any of things I'm about to type.
Facts about Yours Truly:
- I need to have some kind of chocolate everyday. It doesn't matter if it's a liquid, solid, or a gas. I never realized until recently that I can't go a day without chocolate....sick, isn't it?
- I have an obsession with not closing things. I don't close cabinets or drawers. This can be connected to the fact that I have an irrational fear of loud noises...I don't know, really. I hate closing things. It drives my parents nuts.
- Since I'm on the subject of loud noises...I am a globophobic. (that is, I fear balloons.) I'm am not being funny.
- I have a secret crush on Ben Folds.
- I have a dream of becoming a world renown writer.
- I swear in privacy. Quite a bit, if the situation I'm in provokes me to. I'll just say this: I'm human.
- At my school, I'm a quiet person with absolutely no personality. Yep. Outside of school, I AM NOT. It's that stupid school. I hate it so much. It steals who I am away from me. Shame that people won't get to know the real me. This is why I can't wait to break away from that school. I feel like I'm living under the shadows of the other students. Can't wait to be free.
- When Bruno Mars sings, I close my eyes and pretend he's singing to me.
- Many times, I look in the mirror and imitate Donald Trump. "You're fired!"
- I make distorted faces at people who I don't like while walking behind them. Occasionally, I do this in front of the security cameras at my school.
- I am a addict.
- I am a walking contradiction. I want to scuba-dive, but one of my biggest fears is drowning. I hate cold weather, but I love snow. I can only find things in my room when things are not organized. This is a proven FACT.
- I am a nerd. And I am proud.
- I hope that one of the following will happen: my parents will give me up for adoption and I will be adopted by J.K. Rowling OR when I become an author, J.K. and I will become very close friends (I'd visit her every so often for tea in her England estate).
- I will not clean my room until it gets to the point where living in it is quite difficult.
- I am a procrastinator. Right now, I'm procrastinating.
- At one point in my life, I felt like I had no real friends. I didn't even have a best friend. I feel horribly about this now, because I've always had friends. AND I HAVE THE BESTEST FRIEND EVER! =) I think many people have felt that way at some point, though.
- I am addicted to green tea.
- Sometimes, I wish I was Asian.
- I've wished on eyelashes, and looking back on those wishes, I thank God that none of them came true. For example, I wanted to marry Cole Sprouse when I was in the 6th grade.
- When people don't listen to what I'm saying I keep talking anyway, and sometimes I even comment on what I say.
- Which brings me to my habit of talking to myself.
- I purposefully dislike YouTube videos that have comments that say "152 don't know good music" just to throw the off number.
- I hope that when I graduate, my teachers will come across this blog and wonder if some of the posts are about them. I hope they never read it while I'm still in school...yet sometimes I do.
- I imagine myself doing things I'll never do. For instance, in my biology class freshman year I sat next to the projector. That meant my job was to push the little button to turn it on when my teacher needed to use it. Multiple times I've imagined myself just hurling the projector at the whiteboard instead. I've always wondered how people would react. Other times, I've imagined myself jumping out of my desk and announcing, "SCREW THIS, I'M GOING TO HOGWARTS." Or in other daydreams, I just walk out of the school and lay on the grassy hill.
- I have a theory that my friend's dad is a secret agent.
- I promised myself that if I go to college in NYC, I will date a ballet dancer from Juilliard or the New York Ballet.
- I wake up early just so I can watch Avatar: The Last Airbender.
- I pretend that I am dumber than I am. I don't know why I do, but I do. I am very intelligent though. I am erudite.
- I'll stare at the back of somebody's head during class, and in my mind I'm saying something of the like, "Scratch your back, scratch your back, scratch your back..." or "Turn around, turn around, turn around..."over and over again to see if I can get them to. It hasn't worked. Yet.
- Sometimes when I'm walking behind a guy whose pants are much too low, I am tempted to just pull them down and yell, "BELT."
- I am writing a novel, and there is certain character that I absolutely love. In my school, there is a kid who looks exactly how I pictured this character...for months, all I did during class was stare at him in awe. The resemblance is uncanny.
- When my brother is taking a shower, sometimes I make myself have to go to the bathroom so I can flush the toilet on him. I am aware that this is extremely evil.
- My cat ran away a long time ago and, well, she never came back home. Sometimes...I still cry over it if I think about it long enough. It's stupid I know...but whatever. Stupid cat.
- I put celebrities that I have crushes on in my contact list for my cell, and occasionally I pretend to text them.
- I am fully aware that I am weird, and I've accepted it.
- I make up awesome songs in the shower, but then forget them when I finish.
- I have feigned illness several times to escape school. I was such a good pretender that I even fooled myself.
- I yell at inanimate objects. Furiously at times.
- When I'm home alone and I think I hear something or someone, I pretend to be a man who hunts and a ferocious guard dog. The dog's name is Brutus. "Et tu Brute?"
- I hate chewing noises. It turns me into a monster. If it's quiet, and you're chewing near me, I will be peeved at you for the whole time.
- My favorite movies are Tangled and Aladdin if you haven't noticed.
- If I had to live on only a few foods for the rest of my life it would be Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Dominos pizzas.
- I am a vegetarian. Yay, veggies.
- My favorite color is blue. It's been my favorite color since I was 4 years old. No joke.
- I laugh randomly during class, mostly because a Spongebob Squarepants episode pops into my head.
- I call myself Gwen the Super Hero, because years ago I wished I was StarFire from Teen Titans.
- I can say the alphabet backwards without making any mistakes.
- I swear my life is a living Jane Austen novel.
- The theme songs to my life are: "Drops of Jupiter" by Train and "Doo-wah-doo" by Kate Nash.
- My guilty pleasure T.V. show is Sarah Palin's Alaska.
- I wouldn't mind marrying Michael Buble if it means he'd sing to me for the rest of my life. Love doesn't have an age!! Except for Aaron Johnson and his wifey-poo.
- I went through a stage where I believed I'd be gothic. My only comment: HAHA.
- I once made this epic fort in my closet, complete with a DVD player and a couch-ish pillow. That was only three years ago.
- I'm an awkward person. But I've accepted this as well. I'd rather be honestly awkward than a fake.
- Right now, I'm listening to Five Years Time by Noah and the Whale.
- If I could be any Disney character, I'd be Repunzel from the movie Tangled.
- I fear the sight of blood, guts- the inside of the human body in general.
- When I'm not writing, I usually feel sad.
- RIght now, I'm happy.
- If I get a bad grade on an essay, I convince myself that my teacher doesn't know anything about writing. I realize that this is stupid. Usually, I look back and see that I'm the one who doesn't know anything about writing, and I'll be depressed for the rest of the day.
- To be honest, I don't have the closest relationship with my brother. One memory that stands out as a true 'bonding' moment, was when I was watching "Camp Rock" on Disney channel and he stopped by and started watching it with me. At the end, we were both disappointed that Mitchie and Shane didn't kiss.
- I laugh when my parents yell at me. It noramally results in more yelling...
- When I was little, I was afraid that everyone was a robot and I was the only human. Sometimes, I still wonder this....
- I prefer imagination over reality.
- I just realized that this could lead to schizophrenia....well, let's hope that never happens. Or perhaps schizos have more fun than the rest of us.
- I hope to live in NYC for some time.
- I want to own a horse one day. A white one. I'd name him Jonah.
- I recently took a very long break from this blog to Google Spongebob quotes.
- "Secretly...I'm a little naive."
- Don't think that all I do is watch cartoons. I don't.
- Ironically, I love the song "99 Red Balloons."
- I tried learning Japanese once.
- I believe that blogging is essential for my health.
- I began blogging after I read a funny blog on Sparknotes. He blogged about Twilight.
- The song "The Dog Days Are Over" empowers instantly connects me with the world, and I feel vivacious and adventurous. It makes me want to travel the world.
- The first CD I ever owned was a Backstreet Boys CD.
- I enjoy listening to Taylor Swift the most when I write because she's so honest in her lyric writing, and I want to convey that same sense of honesty.
- Once, my friend and I were leaving school, and this egotistical, obnoxious kid got in our way purposefully. We waited forever to let him pass, but he wouldn't move. Instead of turning the car around, my friend stepped on the gas and almost ran over him. We didn't, but secretly I was hoping she would...just a little nudge would do him justice.
- My favorite T.V. show is Gilmore Girls.
- I welcome germs. They are a part of life. If something happens to drop on floor I'll eat it. I don't care.
- I hate Kindles!!! And Kobos, and Sony Readers and all the other digital gadgets that are trying to take books away from the world forever.
- I can't cook, mostly because I'm lazy. I prefer microwaving things and using the toaster oven.
- I believe that people abuse their right to chew gum.
- If I could destory one material object in the world it would be tights. Tights are the worst thing ever. I had to wear them for 7 years for my ballet class.
- I think the whole world should go barefoot. I love wearing no socks. I go outside in the cold, rain, sunshine, and even snow with bare feet. It makes me feel free!
- I don't believe in colored contacts or face surgeries (unless necessary). People need to learn how to appreciate the way God created them.
- I'm generally a very optimistic person.
- I'm independent. I enjoy alone time, when no one can bother me.
- I lived in Juilliard College for two weeks once. =)
- The most I've ever been scared was when I watched the "Exorcism of Emily Rose." We had to watch it in Film class. I thought I was a baby until I found out that my whole class couldn't sleep for days either.
- I love to read. I read a ton of Nancy Drew books when I was little. I love Pride and Prejudice, and Shakespearean literature. I'm working on Lord of the Rings, but it's taking me forever (that man likes detail!), and I'm chomping down on Hacking Harvard - a modern novel. The worst novel I've read is Robinson Crusoe. As you know, or don't, I love Harry Potter. I love The Princess Bride.
- I want to start knitting.
- I'm bad at keeping in touch with people, which makes me feel sorry. *sigh*
- I absolutely hate it when people tell me what to do.
- I've secretly wanted to be a rock singer in a band, but I lack the ability!
- I want to learn how to surf or at least try it.
- I think the majority of people take life too seriously. I do at times...but I mean, what's the point? Enjoy life, don't let opportunities pass you. Don't worry so much about fleeting things. It's life. We all go throught it. Carpe diem, people. I wish I would follow this advice all the time.
- I hope several years from now, people will look back on this blog and say, "So this is how she started..."
- Well you either skipped to this point or you took the time to read my thoughts. I'll leave you with this:
Pure as a puddle
murky and opaque
Simple as a stocking
threads so intricately weaved
Dull like a double-edge sword
sharp and skillfully created
We the people
so beautifully designed.
I like poetry! This is one I just made up and it's kind of lame, but I'm leaving it here for all the world to see.
Signing out of this blog like yeah-
Gwen the Super Hero, over and out.
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