Let's Go Travel the Planet.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Treading Such Deep Waters

If this plane is heading for certain demise,
I’ll turn the volume up to my favorite song
And sing along.
Let the volume swallow me in and spit me out,
Plane pieces flying about,
Hit the ocean floor and wash to shore,
Waking up with eyes wide open
And my mind cleared,
Holding my heart up high and proud,
Saying “I survived the worst!”
The world stopped and stared,
Shaking its head solemnly -
“Oh honey you have not seen a single thing.
Not one disaster has touched you,
Not a whirlpool of danger neared you-
the worst is yet to come.”
It decided to put my song on repeat -
an redundant fall into the ocean blue.
“At least you’ll have something to fall into,” it smiled,
“Others fall and never return,
but Darling, you learned about swimming,
and so you’ll swim, swim, swim.
You’ll never stop treading these waters
or singing your song
so let’s just sing along
and survive the worst.”
I nodded in consent
Held my breath,
And sang my melody for the entire ride.


My amigo, my partner in crime, my Valentine every Valentines Day, etc. 

No. Not a stuffed animal, although he resembles one! My dog, Teddy Bear. He's adorable. I introduced him to my blog with a lovely candid on the right....scroll down and see for yourself and let his cuteness make you rethink what the definition of cuteness really is! He wasn't too happy that I took that picture.... even after I tried convincing him that he is very photogenic!  Animals these days....

Anyways, I've been working on some poetry. And my story's outline as well.  Slowly but surely!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Always Running.

Mis.                              Communication.

Miss.                   You.

    i       ing
m   ss               chances.                                                 Too

f     a       r               away.

You  are

I'm  R- U- N- N- I- N- G                                                late. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

His Adventure

"His Adventure"

If you were about to drown
in a floating sea
of bright balloons,
I'd plan the perfect escape.
Through cotton candy clouds
I'd glide through
in my rainbow colored
hot air balloon.

I’d lasso your waist,
Swing you along,
skimming you across
stretched rubbery tops.

I’d lock you
in your sway; suspended
between air, sky, and
helium-filled disasters.

As we’d ride by,
I’d sob like rain
to drench you,
Whistle like wind
to dry you,
Smile like sunlight
to warm you.

Curse like lightning
to surprise you,
Yell like thunder
to stir you, and
Cold-shoulder you like snow
to muffle you.

The snow would then settle.
I’d stir within;
the quiet swallowing
both You and I down
its black-hole throat.

I’d never untie you,
but I’d sing like the birds
to remind you
that I’m not malevolent.
 I am saving you.

Return the favor,
you would have already.
Through every storm,
by hanging along.
And I’d never release you.

Adventure is your treasure.
My treasure is adventure.
I will dangle my pearls
from golden puppet strings
before your eyes,
the way I'd sway you
from my rainbow colored
hot air balloon.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Silsome Blupdates!

Hello and welcome to this silsome blupdate.  I thought I'd plop down and compose a post for- well I'd say for you, but since no one really reads this except my best friend, a few British people, and occasionally a Russian person it's mostly for myself.  Oh and for you random Google-ing people.  Hey, how's it going?

This blupdate is to inform the internet world that as of yesterday evening, I have finished the Hunger Games trilogy.  I cried my eyes out the whole time.  In my opinion, Collins killed off way too many people, to the point where it was sickening and made my head spin.  Yet, I still loved the book.  I feel like it had its ups and downs though.  If it ran through one more course of editing, then it would be perfect.  Some things just did not seem to flow as well as the rest of the books.  Maybe she was on a limited amount of time for this last book, because the ending seemed incredibly rushed.  I felt like I sprinted with every character in my arms, flung them over the edge of a cliff, and then simply strolled away as if nothing happened.  But whatever.  I'm a 17 year old aspiring published writer who does not know about publishing or professional writing (if there is such a term) at all.

NEW LAPTOP! That's right!  I have a new laptop named Sheila and she's much more capable of handling things, such as turning on and off and not freezing up on me.  Say hi, Sheila!


Can't blame her.  She's shy.

Next.  Still working on my story.  It's been going dreadfully.  No real progress, so I'm outlining the whole thing so I know exactly where I'm going with it.  In fact, as I write about how dreadful it is, I feel the urge to fix a few things in it.  Which I will do now...oh but I have homework later....maybe I'll take a nap.  Choices, choices....Darn indecisiveness!!!!

Oh, as for the title of this blog, look up "Jabberwocky" by Lewis Carroll.  That should clear things up or make everything all the more confusing.

Signing out of this blog like yeah-
Gwen the Super Hero, over and out.