Let's Go Travel the Planet.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Hey Ya

Hello! I haven't written a post in awhile!  So what have I been up to? Let's see.

I think I am destined to work in a library for the rest of my life!  I went from doing trivial volunteer work at my High School library to doing research work in...MY NEW SCHOOL'S LIBRARY! Well, it's college really.  The excellent news?  I am paid!  Granted it's minimum wage, but hey! it's money.

Other than that I have finished some final High School duties, such as graduating.  *Cue happy music*

"Ohhhhhhh YEAH! SO LONG RAT HOLE! I WON'T BE MISSIN' YA!" *Happy dances*

Good stuff.  

Don't worry (because I know you were all SO worried about my whereabouts), I'll be writing posts again soon.  In the meantime, I must continue saving the world.  It's time consuming, but alas! there are sad and unfortunate civilians crying out my name... 

See ya.

Signing out of this blog like yeah~
Gwen the Super Hero, over and out.