Let's Go Travel the Planet.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Reasons For Why I Am Single

You know what sucks? 

Being single. Being single!

Yes, I said it twice for emphasis. EMPHASIS! 


Yep, I've been single my whole life. Can you believe it? Single for my ENTIRE LIFE.

Is this even normal? No, really. I think I may have a disease or a curse or "the ugly" as Patrick Star would put it. 

You don't understand though.  I have put a lot of thought into this.  And with that I have derived various reasons for why I have never had a boyfriend.  Let's tick them off.

1) I am writing a post on a blog about being single.

2) There is a bra in my sock drawer.

3) There is an empty bag of gummy bears in my room. Who eats a whole bag of gummy bears? Single people.

4) I still watch Disney movies

5) I get annoyed too easily with people

6) My eye twitches when I'm stressed

7) My left calf muscle has been spazing out for 20 min

8) I could use a shower right now....

9) I tell my dog all of my problems.

10) My room is hardly ever neat

11) This nail polish has been on my toes since October

12) I'm really devastated over the fact I will never be a Teen Titan

13) I'm just single and always will be. Let's face it, I'll be posting about my sad, sad life until my fingers grow cold.

14) That was depressing

15) Gouda cheese makes me too happy

16) I'm just asdjlajsdasl unable to explain how I feel most of the time. Yes, that random letter attack was intentional.


18) I like the word "just" way too much. And I use it too much. 

19) I despise couples. 

20) Some days, I love everyone. This is not one of those days.

21) My love life never will go the way I want it to

22) Oh wait - LOL - my bad, I don't have a love life.

23) What the eff is a love life anyway? Gosh.

24) I will be forever single

There you have it. A list of valid reasons for my singleness. Sigh. Huh, this was kinda depressing....I apologize. Happier posts will come again soon! I promise.

Signing out of this blog like yeah~
Gwen the Super Hero, over and out

Some College Advice.

Hey all, I know I have been lazy with posting, and I sincerely apologize for that.  Have no fear, because, yes, I am still alive and well. It's just been a bit hectic.  Why? Because of COLLEGE!

So since I have survived my first semester at college and have acquired more knowledge then you peppy, moody, angsty high school students (if you are out of college, then whatever) I shall bestow some wise words on your behalf.  

You see, you may love high school now, but guess what? Your years at that rat hole will fly by!  Excuse me for using not-so-nice terms when referring to hell school - I mean, high school, because I happened to have an icky experience there, but that's what happens when you are forced to go to a practically all white, snotty Catholic school run by Mussolini reincarnated. 

Anywho, if you hate high school then college is like.....13192309139812102931209831023809 times better.  If you love high school and you never want to leave, it'll be a hit or miss.  It depends.

Alright, let's cut the small talk and get to my golden advice.

Numero Uno: Yes, there is a dining hall open for you at almost all hours of the day and yes it does contain an ice cream bar (complete with a soft serve machine!), but YOU WILL NOT DIVE OFF THE DEEP END AND DROWN IN ITS CREAMY CALORIE-NESS. The freshman 15 does exist and it's a horrific monster that looms at every ice cream and pizza bar at college. Just watch yourself, and if those jeans start to feel tight around the hips, that's your warning sign. Don't ignore it. Or you'll end up like that lady who is trying to reach 1000 pounds and has her boyfriend feed her donuts as he Irish dances on her rolls of fat (Google her).

Moving on. This next one is for girls.

2) You will probably go to a party even if you hate parties. If you have fun or not, that's up for you to decide. But that guy who is going to hit on you is a player.  Trust me. And he does not care about your little dreams about falling in love at college or whatever, okay? He just wants to score with you so he can brag about it to all of his stupid weasels (or friends, same thing) and then he will most likely hurt you.  This happens 99.9% of the time.  That .1% is somewhere in a Disney movie.

This next one is for guys.

Tres- Guys don't be jerks.  If you want to be a smart ass and play girls like they are vinyl records or something (yeah, no one uses records anymore, I know. How about play them like a pan flute?), then you will end up fat, alone, and sad.  Bottom line, be nice and respectful.  Or else no one will like you, not even yourself.

D) Focus on your schoolwork! Do it.  There will be plenty of activities to attend, trust me.  So get cracking on your workload and try to be the best student you can be.  College actually matters.

Fifth: Haha another tip, DON'T wear your lanyard around campus, okay? That's basically wearing a sign with bold letters that says, "I'M A FRESHMAN."

6) The upperclassman are in no way intimidating. They are actually really nice, normal people. So come out of your little turtle shell and don't be afraid to ask where a certain building is or which professor is good/bad.

Numero Seis- Try the gym every once in awhile! You need exercise.

Eight: You will never get a decent amount of sleep again.  Except when you go back home for breaks.  And when you go home, you'll really appreciate it.  What you'll want to do is bring your favorite pillow and blanket from home, so that you will be comfortable when you finally get some shut eye.  Also, invest in an egg crate.  It'll save your back.

I) Be friendly to everyone, because this is no longer high school and people are actually nice and a little more mature now so you don't want to come off as hostile.  You do want to make friends, right?

X) Get a job on campus! You're going to run out of cash sooooooooo fast.  You don't want to pull from your savings account, so earn a little side cash.

329801) Bring lots of clothing with you as well as lots of storage containers. Your closet will be pitiful and those dresser drawers are shallow.

T) Be neat. Life can get hectic, but try to keep your things organized or else you'll be scrambling to find that textbook and wind up late to class.

22) Make friends with the food servers in the dining hall! 

23) It's your first semester and everything is new and exciting! Go and have fun!

Alright. I think I'm finished with this post. I hope you all eat and digest my fruitful words.

Signing out of this post like yeah~
Gwen the Super Hero, over and out

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dying Would Be An Great Adventure Indeed

If I could die right now, I think I would.
I would bring you with me because I don't want to die alone-
To die alone would be a tragic end indeed.
I would want to die before you.
I would want to enter paradise confused
but then relax into joyous realization that you are right behind me smiling.
We would hug tightly then emerge into light.
Establishing how blind we were before this moment.
We would laugh,
saying how ironic it was, that we feared all those years
to lose our lives, when it really was the best thing that could have ever happened.
I would love you more than I ever have loved you, because my love would never die.
You would kiss me like forever laid at our feet, because for once, forever would be alive.
The people would not judge us – not of our age or color – because their efforts to do so would be in vain,
And vanity is nothing but a splinter when you already live in perfection.
We would taste the sky, the non-existence of air, and the beauty of each other's souls.
We would run and fall, but not get hurt.
It would be so surreal – looking back on our former existence and noticing that it was only a long road-
a road where we could meet, fall into one another and pass into our divine purpose.
We would die together, and live.
Yes, I think if death came to me,
I would greet it.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Baggage Claim

I am searching for baggage that goes with mine:
a suitcase that matches the rest of my junk,
mixed up and mangled and misshapen; 
a backpack to keep my lonely tote company;
anything at the ready to pack and flee with me
to scour the planet for adventurous lessons;
or a bag that can hold the weight of my belongings,
which happen to be very heavy at the moment.

Can you hold my world in your hands?
Can you make yourself last?
Will you fight to fall apart not?
Will you promise to at my side hang?

Life is messy and so am I – objects are sure to fly.
I need baggage to squeeze the fly-aways tight,
so that I might not lose these pieces of mine.
You will need to keep steadfast to me; 
I know it will be a perilous ride.
I assure you I will grasp your handle,
so long as you grasp mine.

Yes, I am looking for baggage that goes with mine:
some one who will travel by my side until we reach the world’s edge.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Hey Ya

Hello! I haven't written a post in awhile!  So what have I been up to? Let's see.

I think I am destined to work in a library for the rest of my life!  I went from doing trivial volunteer work at my High School library to doing research work in...MY NEW SCHOOL'S LIBRARY! Well, it's college really.  The excellent news?  I am paid!  Granted it's minimum wage, but hey! it's money.

Other than that I have finished some final High School duties, such as graduating.  *Cue happy music*

"Ohhhhhhh YEAH! SO LONG RAT HOLE! I WON'T BE MISSIN' YA!" *Happy dances*

Good stuff.  

Don't worry (because I know you were all SO worried about my whereabouts), I'll be writing posts again soon.  In the meantime, I must continue saving the world.  It's time consuming, but alas! there are sad and unfortunate civilians crying out my name... 

See ya.

Signing out of this blog like yeah~
Gwen the Super Hero, over and out.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Starting Fresh!

And so far I want to crawl in a hole and weep.

Well readers, I've done the most tragic thing possible.  I'm starting over with my whole novel.  I've written four pages so far, and I HATE IT.  I'm so distressed right now.  I need some kind of inspiration because my imagination is lacking.

That's all.

Signing out of this blog like yeah~
Gwen the Super Hero, over and out.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Treading Such Deep Waters

If this plane is heading for certain demise,
I’ll turn the volume up to my favorite song
And sing along.
Let the volume swallow me in and spit me out,
Plane pieces flying about,
Hit the ocean floor and wash to shore,
Waking up with eyes wide open
And my mind cleared,
Holding my heart up high and proud,
Saying “I survived the worst!”
The world stopped and stared,
Shaking its head solemnly -
“Oh honey you have not seen a single thing.
Not one disaster has touched you,
Not a whirlpool of danger neared you-
the worst is yet to come.”
It decided to put my song on repeat -
an redundant fall into the ocean blue.
“At least you’ll have something to fall into,” it smiled,
“Others fall and never return,
but Darling, you learned about swimming,
and so you’ll swim, swim, swim.
You’ll never stop treading these waters
or singing your song
so let’s just sing along
and survive the worst.”
I nodded in consent
Held my breath,
And sang my melody for the entire ride.


My amigo, my partner in crime, my Valentine every Valentines Day, etc. 

No. Not a stuffed animal, although he resembles one! My dog, Teddy Bear. He's adorable. I introduced him to my blog with a lovely candid on the right....scroll down and see for yourself and let his cuteness make you rethink what the definition of cuteness really is! He wasn't too happy that I took that picture.... even after I tried convincing him that he is very photogenic!  Animals these days....

Anyways, I've been working on some poetry. And my story's outline as well.  Slowly but surely!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Always Running.

Mis.                              Communication.

Miss.                   You.

    i       ing
m   ss               chances.                                                 Too

f     a       r               away.

You  are

I'm  R- U- N- N- I- N- G                                                late. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

His Adventure

"His Adventure"

If you were about to drown
in a floating sea
of bright balloons,
I'd plan the perfect escape.
Through cotton candy clouds
I'd glide through
in my rainbow colored
hot air balloon.

I’d lasso your waist,
Swing you along,
skimming you across
stretched rubbery tops.

I’d lock you
in your sway; suspended
between air, sky, and
helium-filled disasters.

As we’d ride by,
I’d sob like rain
to drench you,
Whistle like wind
to dry you,
Smile like sunlight
to warm you.

Curse like lightning
to surprise you,
Yell like thunder
to stir you, and
Cold-shoulder you like snow
to muffle you.

The snow would then settle.
I’d stir within;
the quiet swallowing
both You and I down
its black-hole throat.

I’d never untie you,
but I’d sing like the birds
to remind you
that I’m not malevolent.
 I am saving you.

Return the favor,
you would have already.
Through every storm,
by hanging along.
And I’d never release you.

Adventure is your treasure.
My treasure is adventure.
I will dangle my pearls
from golden puppet strings
before your eyes,
the way I'd sway you
from my rainbow colored
hot air balloon.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Silsome Blupdates!

Hello and welcome to this silsome blupdate.  I thought I'd plop down and compose a post for- well I'd say for you, but since no one really reads this except my best friend, a few British people, and occasionally a Russian person it's mostly for myself.  Oh and for you random Google-ing people.  Hey, how's it going?

This blupdate is to inform the internet world that as of yesterday evening, I have finished the Hunger Games trilogy.  I cried my eyes out the whole time.  In my opinion, Collins killed off way too many people, to the point where it was sickening and made my head spin.  Yet, I still loved the book.  I feel like it had its ups and downs though.  If it ran through one more course of editing, then it would be perfect.  Some things just did not seem to flow as well as the rest of the books.  Maybe she was on a limited amount of time for this last book, because the ending seemed incredibly rushed.  I felt like I sprinted with every character in my arms, flung them over the edge of a cliff, and then simply strolled away as if nothing happened.  But whatever.  I'm a 17 year old aspiring published writer who does not know about publishing or professional writing (if there is such a term) at all.

NEW LAPTOP! That's right!  I have a new laptop named Sheila and she's much more capable of handling things, such as turning on and off and not freezing up on me.  Say hi, Sheila!


Can't blame her.  She's shy.

Next.  Still working on my story.  It's been going dreadfully.  No real progress, so I'm outlining the whole thing so I know exactly where I'm going with it.  In fact, as I write about how dreadful it is, I feel the urge to fix a few things in it.  Which I will do now...oh but I have homework later....maybe I'll take a nap.  Choices, choices....Darn indecisiveness!!!!

Oh, as for the title of this blog, look up "Jabberwocky" by Lewis Carroll.  That should clear things up or make everything all the more confusing.

Signing out of this blog like yeah-
Gwen the Super Hero, over and out.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Cafeteria CHAOS. That Jello is NOT Mellow....

Let's see where I left off with in the mission of destroying my APUSH teacher....

*Shimmery glimmery fade to THE CAFETERIA*

I walk into the medium-sized cafeteria with Howling Meercat by my side and Mushu, my dragon, on my shoulder hissing at every inanimate object.

"Why do you keep hissing at inanimate objects, shoe-mouse?!" I yell in utter frustration.

"Hisssssss.....because I sense DANGER YO! Hisssssssss.....Are we not trying to find that crazy old teacher's soul or not?!" He exclaims while pulling on my ear lobe.

Hm. He has a point.  Perhaps he'll be able to scare the soul straight from the inanimate object by hissing....but then again his intimidation level is like....'level not scary.'

"Fine, whatever. And stop pulling on my lobe!"  We walk down a row of empty tables, the remains of last period's lunch still present.  I pick up a string cheese wrapper, give it a sniff, then place it back on the table.

"What is it?" Howling Meercat asks, noting the puzzling look on my face.

"Nothing. It's just strange how some people do not throw away trash." I glance down at my watch, wanting to be conscious of the time.  12:09:35.

25 more seconds. My heart is pounding. 25 MORE SECONDS!!!!

"Guys hurry up!" I screech. "We need to move." I am half way to the destination I must reach when it happens.

The bell rings.


The sound is like a gentle stream at first.  Tranquil.  Then it sounds like when you turn on the water to your bathtub.  Rushing....but not so desperate- calming almost.  Suddenly, the sound is like a fierce waterfall, and I find I'm joining in on the percussion of rapid beats.  I'm sprinting down the length of the cafeteria, with the power of the crowd right behind me.  I blink my eyes, and when I open them, hands are all around me, reaching, pulling, snatching....

"LET GO!" I demand through clenched teeth.  I tug away with all my strength and AHA!

I fly backwards with a cup of green jello in my hands!   The last one, too! Hoo-rah. 

In your face pesky freshman! I go to the front of the line and pay 50 cents for the delectable gelatin.  Now, where are my accomplices?  I am about to go searching for them when I hear someone snickering behind me.

"Snicker...snicker...."  I whirl around and face......IT. My heart drops down into my stomach so hard I feel like I'm about to fall to the ground.  I can't appear this way - I must look composed.

"Hello, I see you're purchasing today's gelatin as well!" I say charitably, trying not to say "and you could readily do without it!" Instead, I mention, "The crowd was quite relentless, was it not?"

"I see what you're trying to do," She, my dreaded APUSH teacher, hisses. "Why yes, I do agree the crowd was relentless. Especially myself...." She laughs and hands the lunch lady 60 cents. "You can keep the change, you filthy animal."  She waddles off and I notice she doesn't take a spoon with her. Odd.

"I'll take that," I say to the lunch lady as I grab the 10 cents and hurry after the monster with jello.  I keep a good five feet behind her, so if she turns around to see if anyone is following her I can easily hide myself behind the bulk of her body.  I am trailing after her out of the cafeteria, and this is when I know that something very strange is occurring....why are we leaving?  I wonder if I should run back to find my partners, but I figure that at the moment this is more crucial.  I only hope that they do not worry where I am.

*Flash to where accomplices are*

"Woohoo!!! Go Mushu! Go Mushu!" *Mushu chugs jello as Howling Meercat cheers*

*Flash back to following APUSH teacher*

I continue to follow until she is in her room.  I watch her go inside, then shut the door.  I don't want to go with her for she would surely notice my presence if I did.  I peer through the vertical window and see the horror within.

She puts the jello on the table but does not eat it.  No, she in fact observes it for a moment, then stuffs it into a suitcase.  AHA! I can't help myself now, this may be my only chance.

I burst through the door and yell, "I've got you now, you beast!"  She falls over in surprise, and I do not wait for her to struggle to get back up.  "Alohomora!"  The suitcase flies open and I lunge for the jello.  I hold it in my hands shakily, not sure what the spirit within will try to do to me.  Before I think of it too long, I rip out my wand.  "My wand's name is Dave send this jello-soul to its grave!"

The jello melts, and I laugh out of shock/happiness.  "That was pretty easy!"

"Fool!" Uh-oh. She has arisen amongst her rolls of fat, her tiny head peering over the mound of her body.  Her eyes glow red as she tremors,  "That was my jello and not my soul! Now, I will not have an evening snack! You shall feel my wrath!"  Good thing she put on a few pounds or else she would've grabbed me by the neck before I had a chance to jump out the window on the right.  And, yes. I jumped out the window in full realization that I was completely wrong about the jello.  The whole way down that's all I thought about.

"I was wrong....wrong, wrong, wrong..."  I land in a crab apple tree, then slide down quickly.  I need to find my gang to warn them of my terrible mistake.  I burst through the doors of the cafeteria and see that it is again deserted, except for two figures at the very end.  My friends!  I run and start shouting about what has happened but then slowly come to a stop to see that Howling Meercat is tied and gagged. 

And Mushu is tying the final knot around her feet.

"Oh, are we playing Cops and Robbers? I thought that was every Saturday night-"

"Foooooollll!!!" Mushu leaps onto Meercat's lap and shouts at me. "This is not Cops and Robbers!"

"Oh, is it- well I can't think of another game this would be...," I say completely puzzled.

"It is no game!!!!! You are to perish! See I have tied your friend up to throw her into the oven! And you shall be next!!!"  Before I can make another attempt at guessing what game we are playing, he lunges at my face.  

"Oww! Hey-muff-oof-Get off my face!!!" I manage to throw him off and while he falls to the ground I see a peculiar sight....

An empty, smoking jello cup on the table.

"Mushu! Did you eat that jello?!" 

"Of course I did! It's irresistible! Now, time to bake in the oven, girl!"  He again leaps at me, but I kick him across the floor. 

"No!!! Mushu! That jello contained the soul of my APUSH teacher!"  I think back to when he ate the crab-apple...why didn't he turn evil then?  I help Meercat and ask what is going on.

"I think it's the accumulation of evil...See he ate the crab-apple which made him 40% evil, now he's eaten the jello, too, so that's another 40%.  He's now 80% evil!!!" Howling Meercat yells over Mushu's loud hissing.

"So that means..."  We both don't want to say it, but we know it's true.  Mushu will have to be destroyed.
I decide that I must not think too long about it, so I rush over and grab him by the tail.  He wriggles helplessly the whole time and, with tears in my eyes, I toss him into the kitchen's oven.

I sit down with Howling Meercat and explain the whole situation about our APUSH teacher.

"I think she knew that Mushu bought her jello.  She wanted him to eat it and become...like her.  So, to distract me, she bought a different jello.  One to lure me out of the cafeteria while the transformation would take place. Sadly, it worked....poor Mushu."

Howling Meercat stares down at her feet. "Poor, poor Mushu. I suppose we should leave now.  Finish this mission as soon as possible.  Where to next?"

For once, I don't have a clue.
"I don't have a clue."
Well, that was slightly depressing! Don't worry it will get better. The APUSH teacher must be destroyed no matter what!

Signing out of this blog like yeah~
Gwen the Super Hero, over and out.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

New Poem...

“Lost in Time”

I hold broken clocks.
My face distorted
in the reflection of
cracked glass surfaces.

Someone pry my fingers
from their accusing faces.
The undying echo of
the number of my mistakes.

Tick, tock, tick, tock.
It's a mad song,
and I can't sing along.
Complicated gears and screws-
these clocks are beyond repair.

1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds...
An understanding seeps
from the inner-most box
of my elusive mind,
and the seeping spreads,
warming my icy grip
on the mocking time keepers.

I drop them.
One by one, delicately smashing.
The numbers scattering.
I watch the final crash! of glass.
Gears flying about,
and I free myself
of this mess,
knowing that they are not
meant to be repaired,
but that I am.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Peeta Bread and Catnip. I'm Hungry....For The Hunger Games!

Hey Everyone, I just finished The Hunger Games last night. Wow. I felt like I was reading a warped version of 1984. Seriously. I was sucked in, and I flew through this novel about a dystopian society filled with hurt, love, blood, tears, struggle for survival, and...flamboyant costumes.

This sci/fi novel is fast paced (unlike 1984, but I must say it does lack the sophistication of Georgie's book. Mostly because this is a young adult novel, so how can you really compare the two?), and it leaves you hanging onto your bed comforter for dear life. This is because the novel is so good you don't want to run to the bathroom for a potty break which leads you to clutch onto your bed spread saying "No! Not now! I need to find out what happens to Peeta Bread! Darn you, bladder!!!" And so you continue to read in this state until 3:00 am when suddenly you fear Emily Rose....then it's 3:01 am and after much sweat and more clutching of the bed spread you proceed with the thrilling novel. Only to find out that you're on the last page! 

"What?! When did this happen?! Where did the time go..." Into doing nothing but reading that book! Then reality settles in, and you realize you're lacking in your normal upkeep of personal hygiene and whoa...when was the last time you washed these pajamas?! Ew. You're a mess. A complete mess. Not to mention you smell like books and coffee. Just EW.

Actually, book smell is calming, and coffee is warm and inviting yet energizing so it's really the perfect balanced atmosphere!

"Get to the stupid book already!!!"

....Okay. I will. And it's not stupid. *Puts nose haughtily in the air and continues with this supercalifragilisticexpielaladocious book review.*

Hm. No spelling suggestions. They should really incorporate that word in the dictionary now. Who has that job? Well, I should have it. It would be a word revolution at that place...you know... the place where they add words....to the dictionary. Anyway, my attention span is like a squirrel's at the moment because I only got 5 hours of sleep last night. Blame it on the book.

So the main character of The Hunger Games is Katniss. I personally hate the name because it reminds me of cat food which then reminds me cat breath which STINKS. Therefore, every time I read her name my subconscious picks up on those unpleasant things associated with it, and I am immediately turned off. Also, it sounds like Catnip. 

I first started reading the book and I was murmuring through the beginning chapters. Murmuring mini-complaints...I couldn't help it. Murmuring. Writing. It was choppy. Like a karate chop.

JUST LIKE THAT! SEE! ^^^^^ That's how the writing is through the whole book, and at times it gets irritating, but it's worked to the benefit of the book in the end.  The novel is very fast paced, and this style of writing contributes nicely to that pace. 

Also, Katniss seemed like a very flat character through a lot of the book. She seemed tough. She's a hunter, and she's fierce no doubt, but that's all I saw. Until one poignant moment which turned that whole idea around and into something truly remarkable. I will get to that in a second.

The general outline: North America is a totalitarian, dystopian society. There is the Capitol and the twelve Districts. There was another District, District 13, but it was destroyed from the aftermath of the rebellion. The Districts rebelled against the Capitol, but they were suppressed, and as a reminder/punishment for the Districts, the Capitol created The Hunger Games. Two children, a boy and a girl, ages 12-18 (?), are drawn from each district to perform in the games. The object of the game? To kill one another off until one emerges as victor. Horrifying part (besides the fact that they murder each other)? Everyone has to watch this fight for survival on television.

Katniss's sister is picked from the random drawing, but Katniss runs in and volunteers herself instead. Now it's Katniss's fight for survival along with the boy, Peeta, who saved her from starvation once. Not to mention he's practically head over heels for her.  Actually, he's secretly been so until in an interview before the games he admits he's always liked Catnip in front of everyone. Oh, right. Spoiler Alert! 

Hey...don't get mad. You would've checked to see even if I told you beforehand. Plus, I mean, it's right there in your line of eyesight so there was no avoiding it anyway. I just saved you a lot of trouble.

Anywho, it's this kind of situation that draws the reader in. The wow-I've-loved-you-since-kindergarten-but-now-I-have-to-kill-you-so-I-can-go-home-and-eat-and-drink-and-be-merry-until-I-die-yet-I-will-always-live-with-the-rememberance-of-how-I-mercilessly-killed-you situation. Tragic....

The plot is brilliantly and cleverly designed. There is never a dull moment, and it's not so predictable either. Especially the ending, but I'm not saying anything at all.

Everyone dies.

What?! No. That's not true. Or is it?....Ohhhhh you'll have to read it then!!!! 

Now, to the unveiling of Katniss as a dynamic character, which saved me from throwing the book across the room.

There is a scene when Katniss allies with a particular character during the games. It is at this moment we see the vulnerable Katniss. She doesn't want to be alone. She seems to fear it almost. I really can't say anything else because for those who want to read it, I don't want to spoil anything. But yes. Katniss is now more dynamic than a fully operating pinball machine. Whatever the heck that means. But she is dynamic. Yay.

Although, one thing bothers me. Katniss is shrew and skilled. She's a smart person- so one thing bothers me. If she's so smart how can she not realize that Peeta likes her?! Those who have read the book, please tell me you know what I mean. I mean COME ON ALREADY! He confessed it, he's expressed it....I just don't understand her incapability to notice such a thing.

My favorite character of the book is Cinna though. I love him. He's Katniss's stylist at the beginning ceremonies for the games. There is something different about him. He doesn't act like all the other citizens of the Capitol (who are absolutely crazy by the way. Very superficial people.). He seems to have some kind of underlying perception of what their society has become. Cinna doesn't appear to be a conformist. He isn't dressed like the citizens of the Capitol, their clothing and hair being cotton candy colored, and he holds a very cool demeanor. I'll keep an open eye on him because I have a feeling he will become a more prominent character in the sequel: Catching Fire.

Which is on it's way to me immediately. Through my mother. Who is at Barnes and Noble. Right now. As I type. 

I will say this about the ending of the first book. One of the main characters has clearly angered the Capitol, and he or she probably won't be getting away with it.... And that's basically where it leaves off. Oh and some kind of triangle of love is emerging....I can practically smell it....

Duh duh dummmmmm.

Go ahead, and buy the series. Or if you're wary of how good it is, buy the first book only. It's by Suzanne Collins.

I hope you enjoyed this review of The Hunger Games! If you didn't well then go get eaten by some mutant wolves. 

Oh, yeah. I didn't mention that those are in the book, too. That part FREAKED me out. It's very unsettling and yet genius on the part of Suzanne Collins. If you read it, you'll know what I mean. If you've already read it, then- OH MY GOSH WASN'T THAT CREEPY?! I WAS READING AT 2:00 AM, AND I WANTED A NIGHT LIGHT. 

Not really, but I literally mouthed the words "Holy crap" when I realized something about those mutant wolves.

This blog, love it? hate it? Let me know! Oh and tell me about the book if you read it. I love those kind of discussions. Don't be shy! Come on in and spill your opinions all over the place. 

Just kidding. That would make a mess that I am not willing to clean.

Later, readers.

Signing out of this blog like yeah~
Gwen the Super Hero, over and out.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Hm. Spelt or Spelled? I'll Go With the Healthy Kind.


Good song if you're sad.
Hi ;) 

Wow, it took me five minutes to figure out how to get a wink on that smiley face.

That's besides the point though. The point I'm about to make- the point of this blog - is that my novel progress has been SABOTAGED.

Not just that, but my hair is gross, I ate a bag of sour-patch kids just after I worked out, school started again which means this semester I have PE class every morning, "The Green Hornet" was completely awesome/funny/unrealistic, but the whole time I was distracted with calculating how much fatter I'd be after I consumed my sour-patch kids and mentally writing a review of the movie in my head, and my laptop has passed on to the other life so I am stuck with typing on THIS computer (and you can't tell which one it is but it SUCKS because it's in our family study where anyone can waltz right in and discover my blogging).

I use caps a lot. I apologize, but I feel like it is an effective tool in expressing my feelings.

Anyways, life has been sabotaging my writing as you can tell from the above tirade. Not to mention that my whole world is being sustained by this little chip-like object called a USB. All of my writing (and miscellaneous files) - from short stories to poems to one failed novel to one novel in progress to a picture of zebras- is on that chip thing. A pink chip.

And yes, I had to look up the spelling of miscellaneous on Google. Alas! I spelled it right.  And just then I typed the word 'spelt' instead of 'spelled.' You know why?! Because for the last few days I've been living on spelt bread- the bread people skip over in the grocery aisle because its the icky kind that falls to bits since it doesn't have white flour. Yeah, that kind. I suffer in the name of vanity.

Life, my friends (a.k.a. random people who stumbled upon my blog because Google is cruel and led you here) is a viable opponent in this world and it will constantly try to make you lose. Right now I'd say the score is:

ME: 2.5 pts

LIFE: 2.5 pts (in billions)

But I choose to play against life. That reminds me of a very good idea that was brought up in Eat.Pray.Love.

Here's the quote:
"A friend took me to the most amazing place the other day. It's called the Augusteum. Octavian Augustus built it to house his remains. When the barbarians came they trashed it a long with everything else. The great Augustus, Rome's first true great emperor. How could he have imagined that Rome, the whole world as far as he was concerned, would be in ruins. It's one of the quietest, loneliest places in Rome. The city has grown up around it over the centuries. It feels like a precious wound, a heartbreak you won't let go of because it hurts too good. We all want things to stay the same. Settle for living in misery because we're afraid of change, of things crumbling to ruins. Then I looked at around to this place, at the chaos it has endured - the way it has been adapted, burned, pillaged and found a way to build itself back up again. And I was reassured, maybe my life hasn't been so chaotic, it's just the world that is, and the real trap is getting attached to any of it. Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation."

Hm. Sounds a bit like a J.K. Rowling quote I've heard once (or a million times because she's my hero).

Not saying I'm in ruins, but my post just reminded me of this quote, and I hope you all learn something from it as I have.

I'll try to see the good in my laptop being mutilated. It gives me time to think of more ideas for my story, which allows me to avoid writer's block! The ruin of my laptop has led to the transformation of my story (in a good way).

Okay, Life, let's see the score now:

ME: 3 pts

LIFE: 2.5 pts (in billions)

Hey, wait. Spelling miscellaneous right earns me another point.

ME: 4 pts


Bottom line is life is crazy, but it's necessary for- well, um, LIVING.

If you think life is unfair and too chaotic to handle, just remember this: Great people don't come in Betty Crocker boxes.

It's not like God reached into his holy kitchen cabinet and pulled out a box that says: Preheat Oven To 350 Degrees. Open Box. Pour Out Contents. Mix. Place In Oven. Bake For Awhile. *ding* Receive Great Person Of Importance.

No! All people are born, all people are unique and flawed, and all people have to go through crap on different levels. It's all about how we handle the obstacles thrown at us and how we arise from falling down to rock bottom.

Honestly, I haven't seen the worst of anything yet, but I will one day.

And honestly, I have no idea why I wrote this post. It's only purpose was to serve as a means to vent my feelings and to express my inner thoughts. Boring....sorry. I will post an interesting book review or a story about what's been going on with destroying my former APUSH teacher- soon, I promise. 

Bye for now.

Signing out of this blog like yeah~
Gwen the Super Hero, over and out.

I'm reading The Hunger Games as of late! It is very interesting and the plot is the only thing that is keeping me reading it because I think so far the characters are flat and the writing too choppy. Hm, I think I smell a book review!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Reading Between the Lines. Let My Words Cry.

Her Lovely Fate (An Original)
A girl bound to hopes and dreams
stared out across the endless sea.
Salty mist and gloomy clouds
and bitter tears are what called her out.
A grainy blanket warmed her feet,
the only comfort she received.
Eyes to waves, the connection was made.
A bond, a cord of the strongest emotion.
Her heart beat with the crash of the waves
and she tossed it out to satisfy her crave.
And forever it remains.

They called out to her, the other ones,
so she kissed her love good-bye.
But while away, she cried and cried,
“My heart is gone! I will surely die!”
She fled from that place and journeyed in haste.

Her love awaited, forever stalemated
between rocks and sand and grassy land.
The wooden pier splintered her feet,
her heart now at a faster beat.
The storm raged like an animal caged
as she cried out, “My love, I'm back! My heart, I'm back!”
The ocean spray, salty and light,
never brought her so much delight.
The others arrived in worry, spotted her and ran in a hurry.
Their cries, their yells, and shouts of fear
could not pass the ocean to her ears.
She closed her eyes, arms spread to fly,
and leaped from the balcony's wooden side.

The icy waters hugged her lungs,
welcoming her from her loving plunge.
The salty waves held her in a tie,
and she fervently hoped there to die.
In a lover's embrace, forever encased,
her body floats there
and forever remains.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Chorus Midterm Paper: The Importance of Music Education

Okay, so I started out writing this paper, and as you can see, I became bored with it.

Gwen Puckett
Select Chorus 
Mod G

People tend to forget, or are ignorant of, the importance of music education. Music is a significant part of the world we live in, and to keep it alive, schools administer music programs to inspire an interest in music and learning among children of all ages. Music education is important because it covers almost all subjects in a standard curriculum: history, math, English, and foreign language. It also gives students a chance to express themselves and to learn at the same time. Without music education, THERE WOULD BE NO MUSIC.


*Mystical fade to the future. One without music education*

Little Joey is found outside a concrete building with a cardboard box that looks some what like a guitar- OH WAIT THATS RIGHT. This is a future with no music education, therefore what the crap is a guitar?!

See without music education, I can't even tell a story about the lack of music education because it doesn't exist.

And when I can't tell a story, well, that makes for an unhappy Gwen. Let's keep me happy.

*Spazzy jazzy fade to me at my computer typing*

So basically, without music education there would be cavemen beating on rocks saying “Ugg ugg, this sounds pretty nice...”

Without music education, Beethoven would be considered a crazy old goon who made too much noise- not the musical genius he was, because what was music? Noise. Buzzzz.....

Without music education, I'd probably be taking art!!!!! And I can't draw if Bruno's life depended on it!!

I'd probably fail art....and I'd probably stay back in summer school. And I'd be so depressed that I would just decide to drop the whole education thing all together, and then you'd find me on the street playing a violin for mone- OH THAT'S RIGHT. I wouldn't even be able to beg for money!! So I would just die from loneliness and starvation along with the rest of us who suck at art and would have preferred to take music class instead.

In conclusion, music education saves lives and keeps us from resorting to cavemen-like behaviors.

Gwen <3

Peace out! Be cool, stay in school, and don't forget how important music education is!

Signing out of this blog like yeah~
Gwen the Super Hero, over and out.